

How does recycling help save electricity?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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It saves the electricity of manufacturing a completely new product which, although uses electricity, only uses a fraction of the electricity and fuels needed to make completely new products. This way it also saves on fossil fuels by making less products being imported from abroad. Hope this helped! :)

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12y ago
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Yes.Recycling does help you or your parents save money,because you can use it again instead of buying it over and over again.

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Turning off the lights when not needed can help save electricity. Consequently, this can help save energy.

What are some of the benefits for recycling?

Well, a benefit is that you help save the earth, I know its not a lot but it is if everyone does it.

What would recycling help preserve?

Recycling aluminum saves energy and reduces the environmental damage done by mining bauxite. In addition to saving energy, recycling paper instead helps to save water.

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How do you encourage people to save electricity?

To encourage people to save electricity, put reminders on light switches. This will help them to remember to turn it off as they leave the room.