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Q: How does rocket ship protect astronauts?
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How do you transport astronauts into space?

in a rocket ship

How do astronauts go to space?

with a rocket ship?

How do astronauts manage to get to space?

by a rocket ship

What are some of the items astronauts invented?

the invented astronaut food o and a rocket ship

How do astronauts get to space?

They get there by rocket

Who drives a rocket?


How do astronauts transport?

a rocket :P

How astronauts spend their time in the space ship?

astronauts like to exercise while in the ship

What do you call a rocket without astronauts?

A satalite

What must astronauts have to travel to space?

A rocket.

How did astronauts that visited the moon get there and back?

By rocket

What do astronauts fly through space?

A rocket.