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Q: How does salt turn into water droplets?
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you see salt is hygroscopic which means that it naturally attracts water and that ... naturally attracts water and that means if you leave it in any room where there is ... the salt lamps surface and eventually turn into water droplets which you see as ... How do I convert a touch lamp into a regular lamp with a switch on the base of .

What happens to tiny water droplets in the air?

they turn into rain

Is salt water able to turn to ice?

No, salt water is not able to turn to ice.

Why the water droplets on a spider web are no longer seen in the day that warmer?

Evaporation occurs when the liquid (dewy) appearance of the water droplets turn into a vapor and disappear.

How do clouds turn into water?

Clouds already consist of tiny droplets of water or ice crystals.

What does water vapor needs to turn into droplets?

A dust mote to condense around.

Can you turn drinking water into salt water?

just add salt to it

How are water droplets formed when salt sand and water are boiled together?

Filter the sand, salt, water mixture to remove the sand. Then boil the salty water to produce steam (water vapour). Then condense the steam onto a cold surface, fresh water droplets will form on the cold surface. If the steam is captured in a condenser, the steam will return to fresh water.

During which process does water vapor in air turn into water droplets as the air cools?


How do you turn salt into chlorine?

You would have to boil the salt with water

How does an emulsifier allow margarine to be produced?

The fats in margarine are plant fats that are mixed with water. Since water and fats do not mix well, an emulsifier is added to turn the fats into tiny droplets. These droplets are then suspended in water.

How do you turn water into salt?

You cannot turn water into salt. They are entirely different molecules built from totally different atoms. You can evaporate ocean water and the salt that was dissolved in the water will remain. Every liter of water from the ocean contains about 30 grams of salt.