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science says that one day the sun is going to blow up in a burst of light and that will be the day that the world is going to end

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Q: How does science know when the world is going to end?
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The world is not going to end. who ever told you that the world is gonna end that's a lie. i know it was in the newsapaper this week, but only god know's when its gonna end and if it is be prepared but no its not going to end ok

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I don't know if she thinks the world is going to end on December 21st, 2012, but I do know it's not. These minions are liers. There Calenders think the world is going to end, but our calenders do not think it's going to end. Plus, the asteroid is going to miss to earth. Also, why would God and Jesus want the world to end. So I think Amanda Bynes thinks that the world is not going to end.

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The bible says no man will know when the world is going to end.

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I don't know wich Saturday so no the world will not end on a Saturday

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In a Muslims view, (me&all) no...Muslims don't know when the world is going to end. We know that it is getting closer by each day but we don't know exactly when.