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Solar power is one of the safest sources of power, but can still be dangerous if the electrical converters and batteries are over capacity. Also, when maintaining the solar power, you are out in the sun and excessive exposure to the sun has been known to be harmful.

So in essence all you need is the proper power converters and batteries, and some sunscreen

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What are the positives of solar power?

Solar power is an advantage, and growing resource because it is renewable, unlike resources such as coal and oil. It also does not have harmful effects on the environment in the way that fossil fuels do, which emit carbon into the air.

What is a residential solar power project in the US?

A residential solar power project in the US is a project within a particular residential area or street to equip each house with solar panels. This helps reduce harmful emissions and reduces the cost of running a home.

How can solar energy be harmful?


Is solar power generation an energy option?

Solar Power has become a more popular form of energy and economic savings. Because of this you can now find a number of retailers to purchase products needed for solar power generation and transmission. Once such place Solar City.

Why should solar power be used around the world?

solar power is environmentally friendly power. the more it is used the less pollutants enter the world. the more healthier our lifestyles become.

Why should we not use solar powered energy?

There is no reason to not use solar powered energy.It is free.It is clean.It has no harmful greenhouse gas emissions.The more we use solar power, the less we have to use dangerous fossil fuel.

When will solar power become a part of your every day lives?

It will take years for everybody to have solar power, because of the cost of the solar panels and such, but I would say that it would take at the most probably 50 years.

Can solar eclipses be prevented?

A Solar Eclips Is Natural It Cant be Prevented, but they dont come as often as you would think.. so the only way to prevent one was to move the orbit of the moon

Why do the Europeans use solar power?

Europeans use solar power because they know how important it is to use renewable energy and stop using fossil fuels. Solar panels are a simple way for households to lower their electricity bills and reduce pressure on the electricity network. Solar power is also free and emits no harmful carbon dioxide emissions that cause global warming and climate change.

What is intercepted solar?

intercepted solar or intercepted insolation are part of the sun rays or power that was prevented to reaching solar panel on earth surface, a) dust b) humidity c) cloud d) rain. these factors either disperse or absorb the solar insolation thereby intercepting it reaching the earth surface or the panel.

What are the harmful effects of the solar energy?

There is no harm

If you had a solar power house how would you power your building?

The solar power can power your house. Solar power energy can be used to power many things, it just depends on how many solar panels you have. Tioga Energy specializes in solar power. They install and facilitate the solar panels but the customer agrees to buy power from the power generated from the solar