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After 10 years (and counting) of being on and off corticosteriods at relatively high doses (the highest was 80mgs in hospital, but it is usually 40 to 20 mgs per day), I have found that the best diet while on this drug is a low carbohydrate diet. It helps with fluid retention and prevents Diabetes. It is a difficult diet to follow - especially with the cravings to eat all the time. But a low carb diet allows you to eat a greater quantity of food than you would trying to follow a low fat diet.

If you tend to gain weight while on steriods, I don't think it is possible to avoid gaining some kind of weight gain while on the drug, especially when taking high doses of prednisone, but you can lessen or slow down the weight gain. Another tip is to force yourself to exercise every day. Even if your condition makes it very difficult - exerting your body every day will help.

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Q: How does someone diet while taking Prednisone?
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What not to eat while on Prednisone?

There are no known foods that interact with the function of prednisone, so in that respect there is nothing that needs to be avoided. However, prednisone can make you really hungry (and slightly hyper, especially for the first few days when you begin taking it), depending on how high your dosage is. They weight is normally lost when you stop taking predisone, but getting into bad dietary habits whilst on corticosteroids can be more difficult to break (you can find yourself eating far more sugar than normal on prednisone). If it is making you really hungry, it is still best to attempt to stick to a healthy diet, just to minimise the weight gain associated with corticosteroids (and to aid the weight loss when you stop taking the drug). I.e plenty of fruit, vegetables, wholegrains, lower fat dairy products and lean meats. Filling up on protein rich and fibre rich foods may help to make you feel full quicker. (E.g wholemeal bread, meat, tofu, quorn, legumes and dried fruit.)

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