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Well theres a lot of things you can do! Some people are 'scared' to look at them because you sometimes don't want them t know they like you. What you can do it wear perfume or calone and walk by them 'casually.' A lot of people think they have to do a lot of things just to get a guy/girl to notice them, and honestly you don't. If your outgoing, just go say hi! But if your a little on the shy side, let THEM come to YOU and all you have to do is be NORMAL.

Hope this helps!


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Q: How does someone get the person they like curious about them?
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Having interests in another person could apply to a few different situations. Someone could take a romantic interest in another which would mean they were interested in pursuing a relationship with that person. Someone could also have interests in regards to someone meaning they are curious about who they are or they would like to learn about something someone has done. Either situation would be considered a general interest in the other person.

Should you pursue a relationship if you aren't sure whether you like the person or you are just curious?

No, you probably should not, especially with a younger person who has little experience with relationships. It's never a good choice to play with someone's heart or string someone along just because you are curious. Taking relationships lightly is the cause of an awful lot of heartache in the world. Don't be a part of the problem... be sure what your intentions are, and be clear about them.

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You could ask the person you are curious about or ask around about them to people that you may mutually know.

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A person can reject someone for different reasons. A person reject someone because they do not like the other people or because they like someone else.

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When that someone said they did not like someone else you should have asked why they didn't like that person. It is called 'communicating.' If you like the person the other person does not like don't be afraid to say so.

How can you use curious in a metaphor?

curious as a cat or curious like a child