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Q: How does stem cell affect a human life?
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Can stem cell affect human life?

That question seems a little vague to me. However, what I can say is that stem cells are used to aid human life. They are essentially cells that have not yet developed for a specific function in the body. Because of this, they can (put very simply) be maniplated to grow into a cell with a needed function in a human. This can aid in repairing spinal injuries, and possibly eventually cure para or quadriplegic patients. It is also involved prototypically in the development of insulin-producing pancreatic cells--aiding people with diabetes in a possibly permanent manner. So, essentially, yes--stem cells can absolutely affect human life.

What is one concern that people have with stem cell research?

The first concern is the destruction of human embryos to extract stem cells. Pro-life activists argue that embryos are a form of life and should be allowed to live. Another argument is that stem cell research can devalue human life as it can lead to consent of reproductive cloning.

Which type of stem cell are human blood stem cells?


Cell that can differentiate throughout life?

stem cell

What are two ways that technology may address the ethical concerns related to stem cell research?

Human embryonic stem cell research is controversial because the arguments for it andsagainst it both involve ethical issues of life and death.

Why is there such a controversy on stem cell therapy?

The controversy isn't over stem cell therapy, it is over embrionic stem cell therapy. Stem cell therapy usually refers to stem cells extracted from the patients own body. Embrionic stem cells are extracted from dead fetuses. Those opposed to embrionic stem cell therapies are worried that it will lead to 'fetus farms', where eggs are fertilized until a fetus is formed, then the fetus is killed to harvest the stem cells. It is an offshoot of the abortion controversy in which the pro-life side largely believes that life begins at conception (egg fertilization). The controversy around stem cell therapy lies in the research in embryonic stem cells. Some people believe that the start of the embryonic stage is when a human being begins and is therefore unethical to destroy this for the stem cells as it is supposedly akin to murder.

Can deer stem cell use for human being?

I heard they can be used

What human cell that contains all of the information necessary for growth and development of a complete organism is?

stem cell

Human cell that contains all of the information necessary for the growth and development of a complete organism is?

stem cell

Which is the most likely reason that stem cell research is controversial?

Stem cells themselves are not controversial. There are different types of stem cells. Hematopoietic stem cells are the building blocks of blood. They are found in bone marrow and umbilical cord blood. They are currently used successfully to treat a number of different diseases. These are not controversial at all. Embryonic stem cells are controversial because they are obtained from embryos. Some people believe that using embryos to produce stem cells is unethical. The 'embryos' the anti-stem cell voice talk about contain about 75 - 200 cells, and are known as blastocytes. The cells are undifferentiated, meaning they as yet have no purpose. The Pro-Life movement refer to this collection of cells as a human being about 2-4 days after fertilization. Blastocytes are the best source of undifferentiated stem cells, and those used would be the excess discarded after IVF. They would generally be destroyed - why not use them to save human life? For Pro-Life- destroy these 'embryos' or use them to save life? Please explain your stance!

What is stem cell transplantation linked with?

link stem cell transplantation for disease with cloning and want to stop funding for stem cell research over fear of human cloning. A study released in 2005 stated that 63% of Americans back embryonic stem cell research and 70% support federal legislation

What cell gives the human it distinction to prefer certain patterns?

Stem cells