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This is because of the mucous that lines the stomach walls. Also, when you vomit, sometimes you get a burn in your abdomen, this is because you spewed up that mucous and your stomach lining is reacting with the acid inside it. But, there is no need to worry, for the acid doesn't have enough time to harm your stomach before more mucous replaces the old~ ^^

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Q: How does stomach lining not get broken down by acids?
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How is protein broken down?

Protein is broken down in the stomach by Gastric Juices ( which is a mixture of hydrocloric acids and enzimes ) .

What Substances broken down by stomach enzymes?

poisons such as alcohol (:

What are 2 ways food is broken down in the stomach?

The stomach is a sac shaped like a "j" and is about eight inches long. In the stomach, food is mixed with acids. The muscles in the stomach move, which helps break down the food. The stomach is protected from the acid by a lining. From the stomach, the food pulp is sent to the small intestine. Food leaves the stomach a little bit at a time.

How is food chemically broken down once inside the stomach?

It is a reaction with gastric acids.

What is Food in the stomach broken down by powerful acids turned into?

Chyme!! :))))))))

What does the stomach do to your food?

The stomach breaks down your food. When you swallow your food, it lands in the stomach. It is broken down by stomach acids and moved into the intestines.

Without digestive enzymes the meal is useless to the body is this statement valid?

Yes. In order for the body to use food, the food must be broken down into it's most basic elements. Complex carbohydrates are broken into simple carbohydrates, proteins are broken down into amino acids and fats are broken down into fatty acids. Some of this break down takes place because of the acids in your stomach, but enzymes in the stomach and mouth are required to further dismantle food into usable nutreints.

What happens to the food we eat in the stomach and digestive system?

The proteins are broken down to amino acids and get absorbed. Carbohydrates are broken down to glucose (and fructose) and are absorbed. Fats are broken down to fatty acids and glycerol and absorbed. Minerals and vitamins are absorbed as such.

How does the stomach help the digestive system?

The acids that are in the stomach break down what has not already been broken down by chowing that being said it will go down the small intestine easier

How does the stomach perform the digestion?

The stomach performs digestion by allowing food to be broken down with the acids in your stomach into smaller particles. Nutrients are then absorbed in the intestine and the rest is flushed out of your body.

When amino acids are broken down they lose their amine groups?

Yes amino acids lose their amine groups when broken down. Amino acids are used as precursors to nucleic acids when broken down.

Where After food is ingested where does it go?

goes down your esophagus and into your gut or stomach where it is broken down by enzymes and stomach acids, then proceeds to your small intestines and then to your large intestines and then is pushed out of your anal cavity