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Q: How does temperature affect accuracy?
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How does temperature affect the accuracy of a bb gun?

YES! Especially CO2 systems.

What factors affect the accuracy of measurement?

There are a great many factors that affect the degree of accuracy of a measurement. These factors include temperature for example.

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Trichomoniasis does not affect the accuracy of a pregnancy test.

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Chlamydia does not affect the accuracy of a chlamydia test.

Does HPV affect the accuracy of a chlamydia test?

No, HPV doesn't affect the accuracy of chlamydia tests.

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Pseudorandom numbers can affect the accuracy of a simulation by accidentally causes pattens that could be missed by the system. This could skew the accuracy.

Does gun recoil affect accuracy?

It can.

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What are two circumstances that can affect the accuracy of the Lincoln index in the real investigation of ecosystems?

By violating the conditions of the Lincoln-Peterson model, this can seriously affect the accuracy of your estimate.

Can the rectum affect an ultrasound?

Rectal anatomy itself can affect the accuracy of ultrasound reading

How is accuracy of a thermometer improved?

A Thermometer's accuracy can be improved if it is placed in an area where there is not an object that touches it that can influence a temperature shift.

Does the length of a barrel and the type of propellant used affect the distance and the accuracy of the paintball?

These are two separate questions, but yes, barrel lenght and propellant affect the distance and accuracy of paintballs.