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If the question means the solubility of gases in water then as the temperature rises the solubility drops. In other words the water will dissolve less gas as the temperature of the solution rises.

This is true for Carbon dioxide (in fizzy drinks) Argon, ethylene, ethane, hydrogen, carbon monoxide and so on

Open a warm can of soft drink (soda) and compare it to opening a can from the fridge

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Q: How does temperature affect the solutions of gases?
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temperature, pressure (in the case of gases), concentration

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Are you talking about gases? I think there is a mistake in the question you are asking.

A factor that affects the rate of reaction?

There are several factors that affect the rate of reaction: -The surface area available. -Temperature -Availability of catalyst. -Concentration, if a/the reactant(s) is/are solutions. -Pressure, if a/the reactants(s) is/are gases. -Reactivity of reactants. -Activation energy of the reaction.

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