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Q: How does the Constitution control the effects of factions in a minority?
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How does Madison propose to control factions?

Madison's solution for controlling the effects of factions was the establishment of a republican government. He argued that the powers wielded by the factions be constitutionally limited.

James madison wrote about a concern of factions in?

James Madison wrote about his concern regarding factions in his famous essay, "The Federalist No. 10." He believed that factions, or groups of individuals united by a common interest or opinion, were a natural and inevitable part of human nature. Madison argued that the danger of factions lied in their potential to oppress the rights of others or undermine the public good, but that a large and diverse republic with multiple factions could help control their effects through a system of checks and balances.

Who warned Americans of the baneful effects of factions?

George Washington in his Farewell Address

What are the two remedies for controlling the effects of factions?

There are some ways to control political factions and to restrict their influence on the larger society. One is the principle of majority rule. Another is the creation of large republics that can "refine and enlarge" the views of the public, which gives more people a voice regardless of faction.

What were the effects from the US Constitution?

There were (and continue to be) multiple practical effects of the writing of the Constitution. The most important of these practical effects was that the Constitution allowed the new country...

How could you cure the Mischiefs of factions according to Madison?

Removing the causes of mischief or controlling the effects of the mischief.

How did the Vietnam war effects the US?

It divided the country into pro-war and anti-war factions.

What does Madison assert to be the two best methods for curing the mischiefs of factions?

1: the one by removing its causes 2: by controlling its effects

What are the effects of the US Constitution on America today?


What does The are two methods of curing the mischiefs of faction the one by removing its causes the other by controlling its effects mean?

removing the factions causes means taking away its liberty or its freedom and getting rid of them. controlling its effects means controlling its powers. In order for you to better understand what this means, you should probably look into what factions are more and getting a good understanding of them.

What Birth control has the fewest side effects?

Abstinence is the birth control with the fewest side effects. After that, probably condoms. When it comes to brands of hormonal birth control, the side effects differ from person to person. There's no one brand that is best for everyone.