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Q: How does the Cuban missle crisis effects us today?
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Does the blockade on cuba from the Cuban missile crisis still exist today?

there never was a blockade of cuba, if there was a blockade it would probably started a nuclear war.

Could anything similar to the Cuban missile crisis take place today?

Possibly, several countries near the US could be places someone could hide missles.

What country supported communist in cuba?

Russia. The Russian government put missiles in Cuba and that is why we had the Cuban missile crisis. Even today Russian military ships dock in Cuba.

What is the outlook on the Cuban missile crisis today?

None, Cuba doesn't have those missiles anymore and the non existent Soviet Union can't supply them with new ones or the nuclear payload that never actually made it to Cuba anyway.

Where is the largest concentration of Cuban American s today?

In jail......

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Which president dealt with the Cuban Missile Crisis?

John F. Kennedy won the 1960 election with the help of his promise to deal with the "Cuba problem." He ended up initiating the blockade that still exists today. He also had to deal with the missile crisis and ended up making a deal with the Soviet Union so they would disarm Cuba.

How was the Cuban Missile Crisis a Cold War event?

The Cuban Missile Crisis was when Cuba allowed Russia to store nuclear weapons in their country. This was done because of the short distance between Cuba and the United States. The Cold War was a threat of nuclear war between the Soviet Union and the United States, in addition to all of their allies, in which the two countries were fighting over world power status. The Cold War was also a war between democracy and communism. This was the single most event that cut off Cuban and American relationships, and today, the two countries do not have any foreign diplomatic relations.

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Problem and concern of the filipino youth today?

Some of the key problems facing Filipino youth today include lack of access to quality education, unemployment and underemployment, mental health issues, poverty, and exposure to social media influencing negative behaviors. Concerns also revolve around climate change threats, political turmoil affecting their vision of the future, and the high cost of living impacting their ability to achieve their aspirations. Addressing these challenges through policies and programs that prioritize education, job creation, mental health support, and sustainable development is crucial in ensuring a brighter future for Filipino youth.

What was the Cuban food back then in the past?

Rice, Chicken and Peas was a traditional Cuban meal back in the 1970's/1960's. It is still a very popular meal as of today!

What is Individual value crisis?

The value crisis or the crisis of values talks about the lack of values in today's society. This lack of values is seen daily in the number of crimes committed around the world.