

Best Answer

The Kuiper Belt is the main group or cluster of asteroids and comets in our galaxy. But even though I am sure, I advise you to do research elsewhere. You can never trust the opinions of others.

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Q: How does the Milky Way and the Kuiper Belt connect?
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Is a earth part of the milky way Oort cloud Kuiper belt or the asteroid belt?

I tried it and got it right its the Milky Way . Hope i helped

Where is the Milky Way in the solar system?

There are many asteroid formations in the Milky Way. Of those, three orbit our sun, Sol. The first, and most commonly known, asteroid formation in our system is the Asteroid Belt (sometimes called the Main Belt). It is located approximately 3 AU (448,793,612.1 kilometres) from the sun, and is comprised of mostly rocky asteroids in a belt formation. The second is the Kuiper Belt, a belt formation of icy asteroids and dwarf planets. The third is the Oort Cloud, a theorized cloud of asteroids orbiting far beyond the Kuiper Belt.

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Makemake is the third largest dwarf planet and can be found in the Kuiper belt. [See Link]

Is the total mass of the Kuiper belt greater than that of the asteroid belt?

Yes, the mass of the Kuiper belt exceeds that of the asteroid belt, and it is something like 20 to 200 times more massive. The Kuiper belt is a long way away, and the objects in it are mostly small, so it is through gravimetric studies that we "guestimate" the Kuiper belt's mass. A link can be found below for more information.

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Is the milky way bigger than the asteroid belt?

Yes much bigger.

When you look in the sky do you see the asteroid belt or the Milky Way Galaxy?

Virtually everything that you see are stars or other objects that are in the Milky Way. You can see some of the planets of our solar system, but they of course are part of the Milky Way too.

Is the Milky Way an asteroid belt?

No. It is a galaxy consisting of hundred of billions of stars. It is many times larger than any asteroid belt.

What is the Milky Way in the sky?

There no milky way in sky there is only milky way galaxy

What is the proximity of Pluto to the other planets?

Pluto is no longer a planet. It is considered a dwarf planet or Kuiper Belt Object. The closest planet to it is Neptune and that is a long way off.

What galaxy is called the Milky Way?

The Milky Way galaxy is.... called the Milky Way Galaxy

What is the name of galaxy of the earth?

The galaxy that contains Earth and the rest of the Solar system is the Milky Way galaxy.