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Q: How does the Wyoming Constitution reflect Wyoming culture?
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When was the Wyoming state Constitution written?

Wyoming State Constitution was founded on November in 1889

What is Wyoming culture?

many cultures live in Wyoming

What are the differences between the US Constitution and the Wyoming constitution?

The Wyoming constitution is created to govern the state of Wyoming while the US constitution deals with national issues. As such, state laws like those stipulated in the Wyoming constitution are only applicable where they don't conflict with the US constitution and not vice versa.

What year was the Wyoming constitution written?

The Wyoming constitution was written over a 25 day period in September of 1889.

What is the legislative branch in Wyoming called?

The legislative branch in wyoming is called "the legislature of the state of wyoming" located in the Wyoming Constitution Article 3 Section 1.

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Text relate to their context and reflect the society and culture in which they were created in the abbreviations used and their language patterns. Another way they reflect the society and culture is by using culture specific references.

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How long in words is the Wyoming constitution?

31,800 words

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How many constitutions has Wyoming had?

the equality state book says on pg. 16 that there has only been "one constitution" in Wyoming.