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Q: How does the a baby deer's light brown fur and white spots help it survive?
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both his spots are brown and he is light brown

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Their eggs can be from a teal with brown spots to a light blue with spots.

What is a deers what is a deers fur color?

A deers fur can change or be different. A fawn or young deer has tan fur on its belly and brown with white spots on its side and back. A full grown doe has pretty much tan fur all over. A full grown buck has a tan-ish belly with a darker shade of brown on its side and back.

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What is the color of the golden eagles eaglets?

yellow and light brown with light black spots .

What snake is dark brown or black with brown spots?

Copperhead is light brown with dark bands..

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Light brown (tan) with small dark brown spots.

Is there a black roach with white spots?

yes but mine has black zeros on it*<=-)

Brown spots on tampon?

If you remove a tampon and it has brown spots then it is likely old blood, normal when your period is light as it takes time for the blood to leave your body and it goes brown. If your period is light then you should not be using tampons at all, only use tampons with full flow. If the tampon has brown spots before insertion then throw it out and check other tampons before using them.

Can eggs shell be different colors?

Their eggs can be from a teal with brown spots to a light blue with spots.

What birds lay light blue speckled eggs in California?

crows. light blueish green with brown spots.