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The addition of urea can denature enzymes by disrupting their native conformation, leading to a decrease in the rate of enzyme reactions. Urea interferes with the hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interactions that are crucial for the enzyme's structure and function, ultimately impairing its catalytic activity.

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3mo ago

The addition of urea can denature enzymes by disrupting their native conformation, leading to a decrease in the rate of enzyme reactions. Urea interferes with the hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interactions that are crucial for the enzyme's structure and function, ultimately impairing its catalytic activity.

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11y ago

Urea denatures the enzyme as it disrupts the 3-D structure of the enzyme, this changes the shape of the enzymes' active site, thus meaning that the enzyme is unable to create an enzyme-substrate complex which then means that the reaction cannot occur thus the rate of the enzyme controlled reaction becomes very slow.

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Q: How does the addition of urea affect the rate of enzyme reaction?
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What affect does too much substrate have on the rate of an enzyme reaction?

If there is too much substrate present, it can saturate all available enzyme active sites, leading to maximum reaction rate being reached (Vmax). Further increases in substrate concentration will not increase the reaction rate since all enzyme active sites are already occupied. This is known as enzyme saturation.

Why would you expect the rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction to increase proportionately to enzyme concentration given an unlimited supply of substrate?

Increasing enzyme concentration typically leads to more enzyme-substrate complexes, thereby increasing the rate of the reaction. In the presence of excess substrate, the reaction rate is limited by the enzyme concentration, resulting in a proportional increase in the rate of the reaction with increasing enzyme concentration. This relationship holds until all substrate molecules are bound to enzyme molecules, reaching saturation.

How does an enzyme work What are the fore factors that affect the emzynes rate of reaction?

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What can Tobin conclude about the relationship between the enzyme concentration and the reaction rate in the presence of excess substrate?

Tobin can conclude that the reaction rate is directly proportional to the enzyme concentration when excess substrate is present. This is because at higher enzyme concentrations, all substrate molecules are already bound to enzyme active sites, leading to a maximal reaction rate even with excess substrate.

The ability of an enzyme to catalyze a reaction is not affected by?

The ability of an enzyme to catalyze a reaction is not affected by changes in temperature or pH within a certain range known as the enzyme's optimal conditions. However, extreme changes in temperature, pH, or enzyme concentration can denature the enzyme and affect its activity. Additionally, the substrate concentration can affect the rate of reaction up to a point of saturation, where all enzyme active sites are occupied.

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What has no effect on the rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction?

Enzyme concentration has no effect on the rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction after reaching a saturation point where all enzyme active sites are occupied. At this point, adding more enzyme will not increase the reaction rate further.

What affect does too much substrate have on the rate of an enzyme reaction?

If there is too much substrate present, it can saturate all available enzyme active sites, leading to maximum reaction rate being reached (Vmax). Further increases in substrate concentration will not increase the reaction rate since all enzyme active sites are already occupied. This is known as enzyme saturation.

What do you call the rate of an enzyme catalyzed reaction?

The rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction is often referred to as the enzyme's catalytic activity or turnover rate. It is a measure of how quickly the enzyme can convert substrate molecules into products.

What happens to the reaction rate as the enzyme concentration is increased?

As enzyme concentration increases, the reaction rate usually increases because there are more enzyme molecules available to catalyze the reaction. This is because enzymes can bind to more substrate molecules simultaneously, leading to a greater frequency of successful collisions and faster conversion to product. However, once all substrate molecules are bound to enzymes (enzyme saturation), further increases in enzyme concentration will not significantly affect the reaction rate.

How salt concentration affect the rate of enzyme reaction?

Each enzyme has an optimal salt concentration. Changes in the salt concentration may also denature enzymes.

What three factors affect the rate of a biochemical reaction?

The three factors that affect the rate of a biochemical reaction are temperature, substrate concentration, and enzyme concentration. Temperature influences the kinetic energy of molecules involved in the reaction, substrate concentration determines the amount of reactants available for the reaction, and enzyme concentration affects the number of catalysts available to facilitate the reaction.

How does the non-competitive inhibitor decrease the rate of an enzyme reaction?

Noncompetitive inhibitors decrease the rate of an enzyme reaction by bonding to an enzyme somewhere other than the active site, deforming it and permanently disabling the enzyme, so that enzyme can never function again, so the rate of reaction decreases.

Why would you expect the rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction to increase proportionately to enzyme concentration given an unlimited supply of substrate?

Increasing enzyme concentration typically leads to more enzyme-substrate complexes, thereby increasing the rate of the reaction. In the presence of excess substrate, the reaction rate is limited by the enzyme concentration, resulting in a proportional increase in the rate of the reaction with increasing enzyme concentration. This relationship holds until all substrate molecules are bound to enzyme molecules, reaching saturation.

How does an enzyme work What are the fore factors that affect the emzynes rate of reaction?

isn't the reason for this site iis your suppost to know the answer ??

What three things can alter the rate of an enzyme?

Three things that can alter the rate of an enzyme are; temperature, pH and substrate concentration. Enzymes will have an optimal temperature and pH, at which they will have the greatest rate. Below or above these optimum conditions, the rate will be slower.

What can Tobin conclude about the relationship between the enzyme concentration and the reaction rate in the presence of excess substrate?

Tobin can conclude that the reaction rate is directly proportional to the enzyme concentration when excess substrate is present. This is because at higher enzyme concentrations, all substrate molecules are already bound to enzyme active sites, leading to a maximal reaction rate even with excess substrate.

The ability of an enzyme to catalyze a reaction is not affected by?

The ability of an enzyme to catalyze a reaction is not affected by changes in temperature or pH within a certain range known as the enzyme's optimal conditions. However, extreme changes in temperature, pH, or enzyme concentration can denature the enzyme and affect its activity. Additionally, the substrate concentration can affect the rate of reaction up to a point of saturation, where all enzyme active sites are occupied.