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Q: How does the amount of copper chloride affect the temperature of the reaction?
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Three factors that affect the temperature?

Amount of sun, amount of clouds and amount of moisture in the air are 3 examples of things that could affect temperature.

Which has higer rate of reaction the one with higher temperature or not?

The greater the temperature, the faster the rate of reaction. This is due to the fact that increasing temperature increases the activation energy, which is the amount of energy needed to get a reaction started.

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it will increase the time of the chemical reaction

What does the amount of energy affect during a chemical reaction?

A chemical reaction need an activation energy to start.

How does a catalyst speed a reaction at low temperature?

A catalyst reduces the amount of energy required to produce the reaction. This speeds up the reaction and causes it to finish more quickly. Raising the temperature will also speed up a reaction.

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How do catalyst and inhibtors affect reaction rate?

A catalyst speeds up the reaction and lowers the amount of heat needed.

Does temperature affect the amount of substance dissolved in a saturated solution?

Yes temperature affects the amount of substance dissolved in a saturated solution.

Does your size affect your reaction time?

yes but the amount is very small and unmeasureable

What will affect the ammount of solid needed to make a saturated solution?

the amount of solid there is and the temperature might also affect the amount of a solid that dissolves.

How do enzymes affect activation energy and reaction temperature?

As kinetic energy, and therefore temperature increases, the number of effective collisions which result in sufficient activation energy also increases, which is why reactions happen at a faster rate at higher temperatures.

What two factors affect boyle's law?

Amount of Gas Temperature