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Carbon is the second most abundant atom in the body (the first is oxygen). All organic things are comprised of carbon. Now, taking as true the old maxim that matter cannot be created or destroyed, it follows that the body's primary source of carbon is food - after all, that's the only major organic matter entering the body. Since all organic (i.e. living) things are comprised of carbon, and our food is all from living matter (unless you happen to eat rocks, which I doubt), this means that our meals provide more or less all of our carbon intake.

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8y ago
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8y ago

Body acquire carbon through the food you take. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates contain carbon. Carbon being most beautiful of all the elements.

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How does your body acquire the oxygen the cell in your body need to function?

Its cellular respiration, which is the opposite of photo synthesis, which takes in oxygen through the nose or mouth then through the trachea to the lungs which extracts oxygen and sends it into the blood stream and then excretes carbon dioxide (exhale)

How is carbon dioxide formed inside the body?

Carbon dioxide is created when oxygen and carbon are combined. The respiratory system allows oxygen to be taken into the body while allowing the body to push out (or exhale) the carbon dioxide.

Can carbon be found in the human body?

It can be but it can not be pure carbon

When you exhale what gas does your body get rid off?

When you breathe out, your body gets rid of Carbon Dioxide (CO2).

Exhalation removes what from the body.?

Carbon DioxideExcess carbon dioxide

Does the human body create carbon dioxide?

YES!!! You inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.

Why do you have to move your body?

If you do not move , it means that you do not acquire energy. Therefore, you move to live.

Oxygen and carbon make up what percentage of elements in the human body?

Approximately 83% of the human body is either oxygen or carbon. About 18% percent of the human body is carbon and around 65% is oxygen.

Why do you have carbon in your body?

I don't.