

How does the body use carbohydrate protein fat?

Updated: 10/21/2022
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10y ago

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Carbohydrates are used to fuel body functions.

Fats provide energy for your body and are also used as building materials.

There are many uses of proteins:

- enzymes

- antibodies

- many hormones

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Jairo Schinner

Lvl 10
1y ago
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Q: How does the body use carbohydrate protein fat?
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It's true that fat can be used as energy. The body typically uses carbohydrate for energy, but it can use fat and even protein if necessary.

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Glucose is the most important carbohydrate for the human body. It's the form of carbohydrate which the body can use effectively. Galactose and fructose can beabsorbed but its energy must be stored before it can be used by the body as energy via either fat or glycogen.

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Can protein shakes make you fat?

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