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Since the stars are not stationary in relation to earth, i.e. they are moving towards or away from the Earth, their light will be subject to Redshift (if they are moving away) or Blueshift (if they are getting closer). The faster they are changing distance, the greater the shift in wavelength.

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Q: How does the color of stars from earth differ from their actual color?
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How do stars that are close to earth differ in appearance from the stars that are far from earth?

The size.

Do stars differ from color?

The colour depicts the temperature.

Stars differ in size?

Yes, Ofcourse stars differ in size. It may be possible that two or more stars have the same size but it is not compulsory for all. As you know sun is also a star. It looks bigger b'coz it is nearer to earth but may be any star exists with same size. but is its age that's differ or what because on the color i got temp. but whats the size bout?

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Brightness, Color and mass

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Stars vary in characteristics like brightness for example. Stars will also tend to differ in size and color when they are found.

How do stars differ?

Stars differ with its shape.Also how are stars are brighter than others

Why do the stars appear to rotate around Polaris?

It's an illusion caused by the actual rotation of the earth.

What are stars and how are they different from each other?

Well, stars differ in size, color, temperature, brightness, and age. Plsss likee if this helped you on ur hw.! or also comment.!

Why are stars differ in colors?

The color depends on the star's temperature. For example, a blue star is hotter than a red star.

What are average stars like the sun?

They are classified as Main Sequence Stars, of which differ in color, size, brightness, and heat. The smallest stars are usually a blueish color and are the hottest, and the largest stars range from yellow to dark red (those being the very biggest). I hope this answered your question. Have a nice day!

What makes the stars appear in different color?

The temperature of the star itself - and Earth's atmosphere.

What is the actual color of the stars in the night sky?

it is really green but it moves so fast to make it the color it is now...