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The Psychology of the colour RED.

Red is strong, and very basic. Pure red is the simplest colour, with no subtlety. It is stimulating and lively, very friendly. At the same time, it can be perceived as demanding and aggressive.

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can you imagine what the world would be like without colour?

Lots of people go around the world not thinking about colour, colour is very important in our daily lives because it affects every aspect of life.

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Q: How does the color red effect your mood?
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What is the mood for the color for red?

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What is the effect of background on the color of a chameleon?

Chameleons do not change color to blend in, the change color according to their mood.

What is the mood color of an octopus when it wants to mate?

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Window shades affect the mood based on color of the shades. For example, blue would make the mood sad and red could make the mood mad. And green could make the mood peaceful.

Do colors have an effect on people emotions?

Color effect to the person's mood is directly.For example, when you see the orange, the mood will be happy, when people see the gray, the mood will be slightly down! Of course, the color of the emotional impact is not big, but say it directly affect the mood of people do not leave!<a href=" ">SEO</a>

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Mood nail polish changes color based on temperature. When your nails are warm, the color appears lighter, and when they are cold, the color is darker. While some people enjoy the novelty of mood nail polish, its color-changing effect may not be very dramatic or long-lasting.

Does the color of a room effect your mood?

That would depend upon your eyesight, color-blindness, and the color itself. Color very much can effect your mood. The room in a theater or studio where performers may relax, eat, rehearse, etc. is called "the green room." Green is often very calming, whereas its complement, red, can excite the senses and intensify hunger. A black room can make one feel oppressed, whereas a white room can create feelings of peace or emptiness.

How does color affect a person's mood?

red is like bad, cos of like bulls, they hurt, my uncle killed a bull in Texas once, i werent there

What color on the mood ring means mad?

Red can mean in love but now there's a color that means in love so red now means mad

How does colour effect heat and temperature?

for me color effect heat is red..because red is a very colorful into your eyes

What do the different mood ring colors mean?

its different for each mood ring so sometimes they come with a card or sheet with the colors meanings.

What is the effect of background color on the of a chameleon?

There isn't one, the colour change on a chameleon is solely based on it's mood