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The cyclops displays pride when Odysseus addresses him by bragging about his own strength and independence as a powerful being, emphasizing his superiority over the other creatures. He also boasts about how he has never had to ask for help from the gods or anyone else, further showcasing his pride and self-reliance.

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Q: How does the cyclops display pride when Odysseus addresses him?
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Why is it a mistake that Odysseus tells the cyclops his real name?

Odysseus' pride would not allow him to keep his real identity a secret from the Cyclops. However the Cyclops is the son of Poseidon who hates Odysseus as it is. By telling the Cyclops his real name, Odysseus ultimately reveals himself to Poseidon. The Cyclops tells Poseidon who hurt him and Poseidon plagues the rest of Odysseus' journey. Had his pride not gotten in the way, Odysseus would have been home years before.

What foolish thing does Odysseus say to the Cyclops that demonstrates excessive pride?

Initially, Odysseus is cunning in being able to trick the Cyclops into believing his name was "Nobody" because the Cyclops would then be prevented from calling for help continually saying "Nobody is here!" However, Odysseus demonstrates excessive pride in having tricked the Cyclops and foolishly reveals that he is not "Nobody" but in fact the great "Odysseus." Enraged, the Cyclops calls upon his father Poseidon to punish Odysseus, and thus Odysseus's long journey home.

What does Odysseus do after he escapes the Cyclops cave?

They all run to their ship and sail away. Odysseus can't help mocking the now blind Cyclops and they get a few boulders thrown at them for his pride.

What are Odysseus tragic flaws?

Hubris- Excessive Pride Because of pride, he screamed his name at the cyclops which led to Poseidon making his journey 20 years long

What did Odysseus say that angered Poseidon?

He did not say anything to Poseidon; rather, he blinded Polyphemus, the god's cyclops son, because of his pride (his hubris) Odysseus revealed his true identity to the cyclops, and in return Polyphemus told his father (the resulting hamartia.)

Why does Odysseus care that Polyphemus knows who outwitted him?

Odysseus is embittered that Polyphemus has killed several of his men and wishes to taunt the cyclops. It is a matter of pride, and makes him feel like he has power over the cyclops and the situation, after being deprived of both earlier.

Why does Odysseus make sure that polyphemus knows who outwitted him?

Odysseus is embittered that Polyphemus has killed several of his men and wishes to taunt the cyclops. It is a matter of pride, and makes him feel like he has power over the cyclops and the situation, after being deprived of both earlier.

What is your general impression of Odysseus based on the adventures with the cyclopes?

My general impression is one of a man who has a high ego. I think that Odysseus is full of pride since he reveals his true identity after he had defeated the Cyclops. He says he lives in Ithaca and is the son of Laertes so the Cyclops knows exactly who is.

What characteristic lead Odysseus to put his men in danger during the episode with the Cyclops?

the characteristic is called hubris which means arrogance or overbearing pride or presumption.

When Odysseus men try prevent him from taunting the cyclops what type conflict occurs?

A internal conflict occurs as Odysseus struggles with his desire to reveal his identity and taunt the cyclops versus his men's pleas to remain silent in order to protect themselves from retaliation. It showcases the tension between Odysseus' pride and his crew's survival instincts.

What emotion does Odysseus express when he visits the land of the dead?

Odysseus expresses a range of emotions when he visits the land of the dead in the Greek epic "The Odyssey." He is filled with sorrow, fear, and compassion as he encounters the spirits of the deceased, including his mother and former comrades. Odysseus is also determined and resolute in his quest for knowledge and guidance from the underworld.

What characteristics lead Odysseus to put his men in danger during the episode with the cyclops?

The characteristic is called hubris which means arrogance or excessive pride or self-confidence(in Greek tragedy) Excessive pride toward or defiance of the gods, leading to nemesis.