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it helps keep the air clean and gives us oxygen

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Q: How does the deciduous forest help with the sustainability of life on earth?
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Related questions

How does the adaptation trees in the deciduous forest lose their leaves in fall help the trees in the deciduous forest survive in the winter?

It reduces moisture loss in the cold dry winter air.

What is the adaptation for the carpet moss plant in the deciduous forest?

their butts help them walk

What is a natural feature of a temperate deciduous forest?

nature right not help ö

Decomposers in Deciduous forest?

Decomposers are helpful because they help to break down rotting materials. In a deciduous forest some of the decomposers are various types of fungus, beetles, and worms.

What are some adaptations the Canada goose has to help it survive in the deciduous forest?

Geese avoid the forest and prefer instead open fields, ponds, and lakes.

What are the main biomes in Kentucky?

Tundra Taiga Dessert grassland Trapical Rain Forest Temperate Rain Forest Temperate Deciduous Forest Chaparral (Serub Forest)

What are the animals in the deciduous forest?

The deciduous forest, that which can be classified as a dry tropical forest is home to many animals and insects. The Black and brown bears, bal eagle , and beavers share this clime with the bobcat.

What can the US do to help ensure environmental sustainability?


How do humans positively effect the decidious forest?

Humans can positively effect the deciduous forests by planting new trees. They can also help by lowering pollution in general, such as by walking instead of driving.

Omnivores in the deciduous forest?

If you want a fast and light laptop, it sounds like you need something that is great for portability. A netbook will help you check email, do homework, write papers, and surf the web while you're on the go. You can find them from various manufacturers such as HP, Asus, Gateway, and Sony.

What is the ground covered with in the deciduous forest?

Deciduous trees start to drop their leaves in the autumn leaving the forest with a layer of leaves. The leaves decay and eventually become part of the fertile floor of the forest. The decaying process happens in many ways. Animals and insects ingest (eat) the leaves converting it to fecal material adding fertilizer to the ground. Worms chew through the leaves and fungus (mold) and bacteria also help consume the ground cover accomplishing the same thing.

What DVDs have snakes in them in the planet earth series?

There are many many DVDs that have snakes. Watch the forest Planet Earth series!! Hope that that help a ton