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The gravity of the moon pulls the ocean toward it creating the tides.

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Q: How does the earth's moon affect the earth's bodies of water?
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Related questions

How does the moon affect your bodies?

The moon attracts water, and 80% of our bodies are water, therefore we are unknowingly pulled to the moon, but only during full moons.

How does the earth moon affect the earth bodies of water?

The gravity of the moon pulls the ocean toward it creating the tides.

Does the moon change your weather?

the magnetic properties of moon cause behavior changes in the earth by being a distraction satellite. the tidal concentration of earths water bodies also diverts in moon moon episodes.

What does the moon affect the earths tides?

It helped me a lot

Does the moon have bodies of water?

It depends on what you mean by "bodies of water." There are deposits of water on the moon but they are in the form of ice, not liquid water.

How will absence of moon affect us?

Hi.If the moon was absent we would be literally screwed. Since the moon controls the Earths tides, no moon equals the whole world flooded one big ball of water.

How does the moon position affect the tides of earths ocean?

Wherever the moon is, the mass of water on Earth facing AND opposite of the Moon are pulled outwards because of the Moon's gravity. The mass of water facing the Moon is pulled out because its gravity is stronger there. Thhe mass of water facing AWAY from the moon is pulled out because of the LACK of moon gravity on it, if that makes sense. Wherever is not facing the moon or directly away from the moon has low tides because the moon's gravity does not much affect that area and the water from there rushes to the areas facing and facing away from the moon.

How does the moon affect planets?

the moon creats earths tides! It also effects the planet by stabilizing the rotation of earth!

Is there water on earths moon?

Yes, but only in solid form.

How other heavenly bodies affect the earth?

the moon has some sort of magnetism thing that controls whether water is high tide or low tide

Does Mars' gravity affect other objects?

yes it does but the gravity is 38% of the earths gravity and if doesn't affect objects then it will have no moon

What are three answers for how the moon affects earths water?

tide is one