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Whoever wins the popular vote in a state gets all the points. The first one to 270 wins the election

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Q: How does the electorial college work?
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How many electorial college votes does Georgia have?

Georgia has 15 electorial votes.

The president is directly elected by?

The electorial college.

How is the president and vice president chosen to run in office?

The electorial college

What must cast their state's formal votes for president?

electorial college

Was George Washington elected by house of representitives?

nope... by members of the electorial college

How do you determine the number of state electors in the Electorial College?

By the number of members in the U.S House of Representatives.

Why did the framers create the electorial college?

Because they didn't trust the masses to elect the president directly

How does Wisconsin determine how the electorial college votes?

It is determined by the number of representatives the state has plus two senate members.

Do you have to win in every state to be elected President?

No. In fat, you could lose in 26 of the 50 states if you won the states with the majority of electorial college votes. No

What must a candidate win a majority of to become the US president?

electorial college, and that's not a school

What are the disadvantages in having the electoral college?

The best example is the election of George Bush versus Al Gore: even though Gore won the magority of the peoples votes, the electorial college count resulted in Bush being installed.

How many electorial divisions does cayo have?