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Q: How does the fetus get oxygen and nutrients and how the fetus gets rid of wastes?
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Describe how the embryo receives oxygen and nutrients and how it gets rid of wastes?

its gets it all through the umbilical cord

How do fetus gets nutrients and gets rid of wastes?

In placental mammals it is via the umbilical cord connected to the placenta on the mother's uterus lining.In most other animals it is from the yolksack of the egg.

Does the placenta supply food for the developing embryo?

everything. It is the way the fetus gets all it needs from the mother and disposes of of practically all waste except heat. The fetus gets nutrients and oxygen from the placenta and the placenta filters the fetus' blood and takes out wastes

What is the umbilical cords purpose and what passes through it?

Umbilical cord is the life line for the fetus. Fetus gets oxygen and nutrition via umbilical cord. The metabolic waste and the carbon bi oxide is taken away back to the mother via umbilical cord. It is very interesting to know about the fetal circulation in detail.

How does a foetus get its oxygen?

It comes from a temporary organ called the placenta. The fetus is connected to the placenta by the umbilical cord. From the placenta, which is normally attached to the uterine wall, blood, oxygen, and nutrients are transferred through the umbilical cord to the developing fetus.

How is the fetus connected to the placenta?

the fetus is the baby and the placenta is how the baby gets nutrients or food while in the womb, there is a tube that connects from the placenta to the fetus bellybutton

What is cellular growth movement of nutrients and wastes as a cell size increases?

As a cell gets larger, it is harder for it to process nutrients. The increase of the volume of a cell also hinders a cell's ability to obtain nutrients.

Organ that delivers nutrients to and dispopses of wastes for the fetus?

The placenta that is attached to the babys belly button. That's how the baby gets most of it's nourishment. Also the amniotic fluid plays a role in it as well.

Is folic acid found in a higher concentration in fetus than mother?

A fetus gets all of it's nutrition from their mother. The mother has all of the nutrients and passes them along to the fetus.

Describe how oxygen gets from the air to the cells of the foetus?

Oxygen gets from the air to the cells of the fetus through the umbilical cord. The oxygen circulates in the mothers red blood cells.

How does a developing baby get food and oxygen during the pregnancy?

Baby gets food and oxygen through the umbilical cord. This umbilical cord is attached to the placenta. This placenta is attached to the uterus. In the placenta blood of the mother comes close to the blood of the fetus. There is transfer of food and oxygen to the blood of fetus from the blood of mother. Carbon bi oxide and waste products of metabolism are transferred to the blood of mother from the blood of fetus.

How does cartilage get oxygen as it does not contain capillaries?

It gets oxygen and nutrients through simple diffusion.