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a hammerhead is much more weak than the great white and differ in size

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Q: How does the hammerhead run away from the great white shark?
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How does a great white shark raise its babies?

the great white shark mother does not care for her young. they swim away right after birth

Can you hit a great white shark and scare it away?

yes u can

Why does the great white shark have stream line body?

The great white shark needs its stream lined body so that it can swim easier and not be pushed away by strong currents. I hope that answered your question!!

How fast is the great white shark?

well a great white shark is fat so like 2 mph

What do great white sharks like?

great white sharks loves blood because it can smell it from 1mile away that's why fisherman cut a fish so it can bait the shark

What is a great white sharks unique feature?

having a sixth sense which allows the shark to detect elcetricity from a wide away.

How a killer whale gets away from a great white shark?

Killer whales are not concerned with great white sharks and have been known to actually attack great whites when the two come together in the same area.

What is the defense of a great white shark?

Aside from humans, the Great White Shark has been recorded several times falling prey to the Orca Killer Whale. Orca attacks are rare, and the Great White has no effective defense against the much more intelligent Orca.

How far away can a great white shark smell?

saw on discovery or history channel that they can smell one drop of blood from three miles away. have no idea how they can do it.

Who would win a crocodile or a shark?

Scientifically, Dolphins. Unless it was 1 dolphin vs. 1 Shark, but since that doesn't happen, and Dolphins stay together, Dolphins. Dolphins circle the Shark until it goes away. There's never a fight.

Do sharks keep their mate for life?

shark would avoid each other unless there very hungry. they would not stay together for and example a tiger shark may spot a great white they may fight or kill but will most likely avoid but a great white shark mother after birth may spot the baby as food. the mother will not raise them she will go away or eat them.

Challenges of being a marine biologist?

The challenges to become a marine biologist is how you are starting to feel. You might be scared to go down to see a bull shark, or you have a feeling that you won't be able to get away from a great white shark's grip.