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The lens flips the image onto the retina. The retina is the light sensitive tissue at the back of the eye.

It contains cells called rods that are sensitive to light intensity and cells called cones that are color-sensitive.

The image is then transmitted to the brain via the optic nerve. The brain then interprets the image so that we are not aware that it has been flipped. Interestingly, experiments have been done where people where glasses to flip the images and after a few distressing and disoriented days, the wearer can resume virtually normal vision. The brain is wonderful.

Cats can not see in the dark but because they have a very high concentration of rods in their retinas they can see in low light intensity. Scientists can also determine that they have very little color vision.

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Q: How does the human eye reflect colors and shapes?
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How do you compare the shape of the pupil in the dissected eye with your own pupil?

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