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Naturally, the increase in algae would mean more potential for fish to not die from hunger. Having a larger food base would mean more food for the fish, and more baby fish being able to survive during their vulnerable life periods.

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Q: How does the increase of algae affect the population of fish?
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the plants at the bottom of the pond cannot photosynthesize and die as the floating plants are blocking the sunlight from reaching the plants at the bottom.the whole community of organisms there will be affected.

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Overpopulating, to much fishing, pollution, and a rapid decrease in algae or what ever the fish eat

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Because if you don't have a experiment how can you know the answer to the question you are asking. For example if you are asking "How does salt water affect the fish population?" well you will have to conduct a experiment to test you theory of "Yes it does affect the fish population" or "No it does not affect the fish population". That is why it is important.

What type of fish eats algae in fresh water lakes?

Many fish eat algae, it depends on which type of algae. But the fish that do eat algae are catfish, red tailed fish, Florida flag fish, and plecos.

Does one type of fishes population affect anothers?

It depends if one species of fish is a predator to another and the population of the predator fish is higher then the prey fish then the prey fish will be lower in population

Does too much algae in a pond kill the fish?

If the algae is growing on the fish, the answer should be no. Algae growing on fish is a form of commensalism, which one life form benefits, while the other isn't benefited, yet isn't harmed at the same time. Most fish, no.

How does the acidity of a lake affect human health and local economy?

If you're talking about the lake turning acid: Algae blooms, fish popultaions suffer, water quality decreases. Loss of fishing & bathing attractions can affect tourist trade. Water treatment expense can increase.

What small fish eat algae?

some fish eat algae. it just depends on what fish you are talking about. But yes fish do eat algae.

What do you do feed your alge fish when there is no alge in the fish?

If you have an algae eater and no algae you can go to any pet shop and get algae waffers.

What could be done to increase the population of elephant fish?

stop eating them.