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Q: How does the insulator at the bottom of a light bulb prevent the bulb from blowing out?
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Which is insulator?

A insulator is something that doesn't transfer electricity. As you probably know, metal is a very good conductor (which is the opposite to insulator - it transfers electricity -) so if you imagine a light bulb a battery and wires, and connect them all, and leave a little space for the switch, but don't add it in, just add the metal in the switches place and the bulb will light. But if you add an insulator like wood for example, the bulb wouldn't light up. Wood is an insulator and lots of other things are too. Just to let you know water is a conductor! I didn't believe that myself until I watched a video on youtube about it!

Is cardboard a good conductor of electricity?

Cardboard is an insulator of electricity. It is not the best insulator to use for this as cardboard can be affected by moisture and any corrosion of nearby batteries. If it becomes wet with an electrolyte solution (such as salt water), it could become a conductor under certain conditions.To test this, put a battery and a light in series and leave the contacts open between the light and the battery. Then touch the wire to the cardboard and the cardboard to the battery. The light will not light up.

Is a light bulb an insulator or conductor?

It is a conductor, but the filament is a resistor : as current flows through the filament, some of the energy is released as heat and light.

Which type of simple machine is at the bottom of a light bulb?


A block at the bottom of a pool does not appear to be at the bottom why?

Because light is refracted (bent) by the water so the block seems to be a little above the bottom but it really isn't.