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Q: How does the international criminal court help the genocide?
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Does the UN help stop genocide?

It depends on the genocide. There are some genocides, like the East Timor Genocide, that the UN did help to stop. There are some genocides, like the Rwanda Genocide, that the UN ignored. There are some genocides like the Holocaust, which occurred prior to the UN's existence.

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The Kurds received help during their genocide through various means. International humanitarian aid organizations provided assistance by offering shelter, food, and medical aid to the displaced and affected population. Some countries also provided support by granting asylum to Kurdish refugees and condemning the genocide, which increased international pressure on the perpetrators. However, it is important to note that the assistance was not sufficient to stop the genocide or fully address the needs of the affected population.

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They got Samuel Leibowitz to represent the boys, appealed it to the Alabama Supreme Court and then the US Supreme Court.

What are the differences between drug court vs regular criminal court?

Drug court is a specialized court program that focuses on providing treatment and rehabilitation to individuals with substance abuse issues. Regular criminal court, on the other hand, follows a traditional adversarial process and focuses on determining guilt or innocence and imposing punishment. Drug court aims to address the root causes of criminal behavior, while regular criminal court primarily focuses on administering justice and enforcing the law. Additionally, drug court may involve a team-based approach, with input from treatment professionals, while regular criminal court typically involves the judge, prosecution, and defense attorney.

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How did the Rwanda genocide affect the world in the end?

It really did not have a huge affect on the world. The UN came to help but that was it. Their were the UNAMIR efforts to help. The genocide in Rwanda was left in Rwanda and neither the U.S or Europe clamed to help.

Why did Clinton send military troops to Bosnia?

President Clinton sent military troops to Bosnia because of the terms of NATO. He sent them to help stop the Serbs from committing genocide according to International Law.

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Humanitarian supply

Can a drug attorney help settle differences in court?

I am not sure what a drug attorney means. A criminal lawyer can represent a drug dealer, a drug company or someone suing a drug company. They can settle differences in court.