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It doesn't

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3d ago

The moon does not directly affect Earth's seasons; rather, it is the tilt of Earth's axis that causes the change in seasons. The moon's gravitational pull does play a role in creating tides on Earth, but this does not impact the changing of the seasons.

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How does the moon play a role in the changing seasons?

The moon has no effect on when the seasons change.

How does the moon and the sun effect the earths oceans?

The gravitational forces of the Sun and Moon, effect the earths oceans by forming tides.

What has the greatest effect on earths tides?

The moon.

How does the tilting of earths axis effect the earth?

it creates the seasons.

Which out of the moon or the sun is more attracted to the earths ocean?

The moon has a greater effect than the sun on the earths oceans.

Does the Moon's movements around earth have anything to do with the seasons of the year?

Tides yes, seasons no. The Earths tilt causes the seasons as we orbit the sun.

What are the strongest tide making effect?

The moon has the strongest effect on the earths tides.

What happens when the moon is blocked out by the earth?

simple the earths seasons and aixs would go HAYWAL

How the moon revolves around the sun causing the seasons?

Nothing the moon does, doesn't do, or appears to do has any effect on the earth's seasons. We would have all of the same seasons and the same seasonal experiences even if there were no moon at all.

What is the importance of knowing the seasons in our place?

Light of day does not effect earths high and low tides, the moon does. The Moon is in the gravitational pull of earths orbit. When the earth turns it pulls the moon slowly. But the moon does get ahead of the earth at some points causing high tide, but when the moon lags behind the earths pull it is low tide.

What would be the effect on earth if the planets axis were not tilted?

There would be no four seasons if the earths axis was not tilted.

How changes in earths tilt would affect seasonal patterns?

If there were no tilt then there'd be no seasons. So it has a direct effect.