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Yes. Glory, North and South, Gods and Generals, Gettysburg, and Red Badge of Courage are a few movies pertaining to the Civl War.

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Q: How does the movie glory relate to the civil war?
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1989 civil war movie?


What war is portrayed in the movie Glory?

The Civil War (USA)

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How does the movie Glory relate to the American Civil War?

Glory (1989) tells the story of the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment and its commanding officer, Colonel Robert Gould Shaw. The 54th was one of the first official black units in the American Civil War. The movie tells the story of how Shaw (a white man) was chosen as the regiment's commanding officer, how he prepared the regiment for battle, the problems Shaw and the regiment faced and what happened when they tried to take Fort Wagner, a Confederate stronghold located near Charleston, SC.

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