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The size of muscle fibres affect the tenderness of meat ; slender , small fibres are associated with tender meat ; large long fibres are associated with tougher meat.

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Q: How does the muscle fiber affect the tenderness of meat?
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Related questions

How does marbling affect meat tenderness?

Because it takes the taste out of it

Does meat grading affect taste?

Consumers tend to interpret grading as an indication of taste and tenderness, although it was not designed for this purpose

Does meat have fiber?

"No" is the best answer to this question. Meat is not a source of fiber. You can get protein from meat. Fiber comes from plants. If you are looking for fiber in your diet you can eat meat, but you need to eat meat with something that is going to provide the fiber you want. Grill your steak, but don't forget the corn and the barbecue beans.

What reaction is involved in the action of meat tenderizer that contain papain?

Papain cuts the protein chains in the fibrils and also in the connective tissue, disrupting the structural integrity of the muscle fiber, and tenderizing the meat.

Is meat a good fiber?

Meat is not a significant source of Fiber. Some good sources of fiber are fruits, vegetables, and Sun chips.

Is poultry high in fiber?

No. Meat has no fiber in it at all.

Is the western diet is high in meat and fiber?

The Western diet is typically high in meat and low in fiber.

Is the Western diet high in meat and fiber?

The Western diet is typically high in meat and low in fiber.

What is meat tenderness?

Grissle is not tender. Don't say it two times.

What is the difference between meat and muscle?

Meat includes muscle, tendons, ligaments and fatty tissue. Muscle does not include these other meat ingredients.

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Why are meats tenderised?

Tenderizing and marinading are steps that are taken to improve the chewability and flavor of the cheaper cuts of meat. In order to to avoid the possibility of serving and eating meat that is tough, and hard to chew, it is tenderized. Meat is also sliced across the grain before it is served, making the muscle fibers shorter and less stringy and therefore, easier to chew with a greater sensation of tenderness. Natural tenderness and better flavor are why higher prices are charged for the better cuts of meat.