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Q: How does the narrator teach doodle to walk?
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When the narrator teaches doodle to walk the narrator believe that?

When the narrator teaches Doodle to walk, the narrator believes that a. it will free him from Doodle b. he can teach Doodle to do other things, too c. his parents will appreciate him more d. Doodle will abandon him

Why is the narrator and motivation in teaching Doodle how to walk?

The narrator teaches Doodle to walk out of a mix of compassion for his brother and a desire to overcome his own pride. He wants Doodle to be able to live a normal life and out of guilt for his own selfish desires to have a "normal" brother. The motivation is driven by both love and personal growth.

What motivates the narrator to teach doodle to walk?

The narrator, who is Doodle's brother, is motivated to teach Doodle to walk out of a mix of love and pride. He wants to bond with Doodle and help him become more independent despite his physical limitations, ultimately hoping to show off Doodle's progress to his family.

Why does the narrator want Doodle to learn how to walk?

The narrator was embarrassed that Doodle couldn't walk at the age of five.

How long does it take to teach Doodle to walk in 'The Scarlet Ibis'?

It takes a few months to teach Doodle to walk

What surprise do the narrator and Doodle present to their parent's?

The surprise that the narrator and Doodle present to their parents is that Doodle learns to walk. This comes as a shock because Doodle had struggled with physical disabilities, and his family thought he would never be able to walk.

What plan does the narrator make for doodle's future?

to walk .

How long does it take to teach Doodle to walk in The Scarlet Ibis?

It takes Doodle a longer time to learn to walk in "The Scarlet Ibis" as he is born with physical disabilities. Over the course of some years, his brother works meticulously to teach him, showing patience and dedication in helping Doodle overcome his challenges and walk on his own. Through this process, Doodle eventually learns to walk, although the exact timeline is not specified.

In what way does the narrator's pride help and also hurt doodle?

The narrator's pride helps Doodle by pushing him to strive for success and overcome his physical limitations. However, it also hurts Doodle by putting pressure on him to meet the narrator's expectations, which can be overwhelming and discouraging for Doodle.

What does he plan to teach doodle after doodle learns to walk?

Once Doodle learns to walk, his brother plans to teach him how to swim, run, climb trees, and fight. These activities are intended to help Doodle become stronger and more self-sufficient.

Why does the narrator pull doodle in a cart in 'The Scarlet Ibis'?

The narrator pulls Doodle in a cart to help him learn how to walk because Doodle has trouble walking due to his physical limitations. The narrator wants to teach Doodle how to walk before the first day of school to avoid embarrassment.

Who is doodle in scarlet ibis?

Doodle is the narrator's brother he is very week. cant walk until he was six and is born in a caul