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She was bothering her by getting off subject, in the end getting very excited how he wants to be wed to her and she complains shes got a headache when she first arrives in juliets chamber.

Juliet gets pissed and eventually tells her to just tell her already, some what impatient

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Q: How does the nurse treat Juliet when she comes back from romeo?
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Act 2 scene 4 Romeo and Juliet what waring does she give Romeo?

In Act 2, Scene 4 of Romeo and Juliet, the Nurse warns Romeo to be sincere in his intentions towards Juliet and to treat her with respect. She emphasizes the importance of Juliet's virtue and urges Romeo to be honest in his interactions with her.

What is the importance of the nurse in Romeo and Juliet?

The Nurse provided the rope ladder for Romeo to climb up to Juliet's room on their wedding night and she served as a messanger for Juliet. She was one of the few adults in on the secret, along with Friar Lawrence, and since women Juliet's age weren't allowed out of the house often, the Nurse sent messages between Romeo and Juliet. The Nurse also raised Juliet since she was an infant, and even breastfed her. She was more of a mother to her than Lady Capulet.

What is the nature of nurse relationship with juilet in romeo and juilet?

In "Romeo and Juliet," the Nurse serves as a maternal figure to Juliet, providing guidance, support, and advice. Their relationship is characterized by affection, trust, and a deep bond formed through years of close companionship. The Nurse's loyalty to Juliet is evident as she plays a pivotal role in facilitating the secret romance between Juliet and Romeo.

What is the nurses advice romeo and Juliet?

The nurse gives lots of advice, most of it unwanted. Indeed, that is what she does most of the time. However, the piece of advice you are probably looking for is her advice to Juliet when she is faced with being forced to marry Paris when she is already married to Romeo. The nurse advises her to commit bigamy and marry Paris as well, and to treat the Romeo episode as a roll in the hay.

What warning does nurse give romeo?

She says not to mess with Juliet unless he is serious.

How does the nurse treat Juliet before giving her the news?

she teases juilet by pretending to have a headache however she is very excited juilet gets impatient then the nurse tells her about romeos weddng plans to which they both respond to with happiness

Why does the nurse treat juliet like her own daughter?

The nurse treats Juliet like her own daughter because she has cared for her since she was a baby and formed a deep emotional bond with her. Their relationship is built on love, trust, and mutual respect. The nurse also views Juliet as a surrogate daughter since she never had children of her own.

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He treats them repectfuly and for some reason feels a connection between them. He doesn't want the nuns to pay for their food eaither

Can you help me with writing a romeo and Juliet eulogy must be 10 or more lines either about romeo or Juliet?

We gather here today to bid farewell to Romeo, a soul consumed by love and passion. His heart knew no bounds, his love for Juliet transcending their feuding families' strife. In death, Romeo eternally joins his beloved Juliet, united in love beyond this earthly realm. Together in tragic demise, their love story immortalized in the annals of time, a testament to the enduring power of love. So let us mourn their star-crossed fate, forever intertwined in death as they were in life.

How does the young men treat the nurse when she enters?

They flirt.

Why was Juliet mad when Romeo killed Tybalt?

First lets get this straight, white people are white people. They are crazy and always do drugs. Homosexuality is often found between the whites. If you look at this question and look at what Hitler did in scene 1, you can conclude that Juliet was in a bad position because of this and she just commited sucide because obama got elected president.

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Being a melodramatic teen is nothing to sneeze at. Such people may be entitled to admiration. Juliet in particular, shows resource and courage. Romeo's restraint in dealing with Tybalt (until he kills Mercutio) is also admirable. They not only love each other, but treat each other with great respect, postponing the satisfaction of their desires until they can be married. Romeo gets a bit whiny at times but for the most part they are charming young people, deeply in love, and full of promise. What's not to admire?