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It's called fat and a thick fur coat

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Q: How does the polar bear cope with freezing cold of the arctic region?
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Can you give me a sentence using the word polar?

A Polar Bear is found in the Arctic region, which has a polar climate.

Does the polar bear live in the Arctic or Antarctic region?

Polar bears live only in the northern polar regions - which includes the Arctic and Arctic Circle regions. They do not live in the Antarctic.

What is the arctic region named after?

The Arctic is named for the the north polar constellation "Arktos" which is Greek for "bear".

which animal can be found in the northern region?

Polar bears, white foxes, and seals

What are permanent inhabitants in the Arctic region?

Polar bear, musk ox, Arctic fox, gray wolf, caribou.

Where is the polar bear's environment?

The world's Arctic region, all they way from Asia to North America.

Is there commensalism between a polar bear and an arctic fox?

Yup, the arctic fox follows around the polar bear, and eats the scraps the polar bear left behind. However, if the arctic fox annoys the polar bear, the bear will chase it off

Why do polar bears only live in the Arctic region and not in the Antarctic region?

Because the antarctic region is colder than the arctic and the Polar bear won't get the warmth it needs.

Why does the female polar bear sleep in a cave all winter?

The cave keeps her warm and protects her from the freezing Arctic winds.

What preys on foxes?

A polar bear preys on arctic foxes A polar bear preys on arctic foxes

Where is the polar bear in the animal kingdom?

Mainly in the Arctic Circle region, the polar bear is the top predator. Only human hunters posed a threat to their numbers. As the polar bear is now internationally protected, the numbers are on the increase.

Why is it impossible for a polar bear to live in the arctic?

It's not. Polar bears live in the Arctic.