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Q: How does the short story the other family expand the definition of humanity?
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Secular humanism and views on family?

Secular humanism is different from other non-religious or anti-religious philosophies in that humanists believe they have an obligation to serve humanity as a whole as opposed to just the individual. family members are part of humanity as a whole so theoretically a humanist would believe in treating their family members in an ethical manner based on his/her ideas of what is best for humanity.

How did these injustices undermine their humanity?

These injustices undermine their humanity because people fighting each other isn't going to create a good humanity just a humanity where people are fighting each other.

Chekhov is famous for his humanity and empathy but in this story nobody seems to care much about the feelings of the other members of Gurovs family or about Annas husband Do you agree with th?

yes,i agree Chekhov is famous for his humanity and empathy but in this story nobody seems to care much about the feelings of the other members of Gurovs family or about Annas husband Do you agree with th?"

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I can't find any such episode. Do you have any other information that can expand on your question?

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Symmetrical families is where any member of the family is just as equal to any other

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To expand their empire

Should gay people in permanent committed relationships where they care for each other and even raise children together be considered family. Why or why not?

There is no why not. They should be considered a family because they are a family.

Is their any humanity on any other planet?


Why your husband hides you from his family?

This is a paradoxical question, since you are by definition a part of your own husband's family. I can only imagine that he has more than one family and is trying to keep one family from learning about the other, since bigamy is illegal.

A chimpanzee using a long twig to catch termites is an example of what?

The chimpanzee is using a tool. We find this fascinating because very few animals other than humans can do this, and we once used to use it as a definition of humanity.

What do the Knights Templar believe about humanity?

The Knights Templar were a group of Christian warriors. Their beliefs follow that of other Christians, to whit, that man is of divine origin. Humanity is the family of God, but individuals and groups fall from grace when succumbing to temptation and falling into sin. A link is provided to facilitate a quick jump to the Wikipedia article.

Is the world going to end in a few billion years?

No - there is a reasonable end to the Earth! At some point in the very far future (5 billion years or so) the Sun will expand to engulf the Earth and that will be the end of humanity if it has survived to that point - I doubt any humans as we know them today will be there to witness this - we will be on other planets in other star systems by them.