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The sphinx moth uses the color of its wings to blend in with its surroundings. There are many different varieties of the moth, and each are specialized to live in a specific area.

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Q: How does the sphinx moth use coloration to protect or conceal itself?
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How does the sphinx moths use coloration to protect themselves?

The sphinx moth uses their coloration to blend in with snow so preditors don't notice them.

What did Khafre build to protect pyramids?

A sphinx

How do sphinx moths protect themselves?

They bring back the ancient egyptians to protect them. Yeah, they can do that.

Why did the sphinx Get inveted?

It was made to "protect" the Great Pyramid and its contents.

What were sphinx used for?

sphinxes were used to protect entrances of temples.

How does the sphinx moth protect themselves?

Sphinx moths protect themselves through the spots on their wings, which look like eyes and keep some predators away. They also are very big, and can make themselves look larger by opening their wings.

Why was the Great Sphinx built to guard and protect the Great Pyramids of Giza?

Generally the role of sphinxes was as temple guardians; they were placed in association with architectural structures such as royal tombs or religious temples. The great Sphinx is positioned at the Temple of the Sphinx and at the end of the cause way leading from the Funerary Temple of Khafre.

Why did the sphinx protect the pyramids?

People wanted to see the Sphinx because of its unnatural characteristics. It had the head of man, the body of a lion, and the tail of an ox. it symbolized peace and unity.

Is what has four legs in the morning two at noon and three in the evening in the Bible?

No it is not. The above riddle is the Riddle of the Sphinx. In Greek Mythology a sphinx would sit and ask every traveler that passed this riddle. If they could answer it the sphinx would destroy itself, but if they got it wrong, the sphinx would kill them.

Why was the Great Sphinx of Giza built?

The Sphinx served as a protector or guardian to the Pyramids, most especially the pyramid of Khefre (Khafra), son of Khufu. It's believed that the face on the Sphinx is of this pharaoh himself.

What are the contributions the sphinx had?

The sphinx was usually the body of a lion with a head of a person (usually male) that showed great power to whoever was the pharaoh or king. It also was used to "protect" the pharaohs land.

How did the egyptians believe the sphinx?

No the Egyptians actually did not worship the Sphinx. The Sphinx was put in front of a pharoh's pyramid to protect the pharoh's ka. (The ka is the spirit of the pharoh, and the body must remain intact for the ka to recognize its body) The pyramid was the son of Khufu's. (I can't remember the son's name) Khufu was a pharoh.