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Picture two protons. They are pulled together by the strong nuclear force (as long as

they are within range to start with.) But the electromagnetic force pushes them away

from each other, because they both have the same positive electric charge.

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14y ago

it is in atoms and atoms and materials are the part of our daily life so.

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Does the strong nuclear force have charges like the electromagnetic force does?

No. The strong nuclear force works through the exchange of a subatomic particle called a meson. Additionally, the strong nuclear force has to hold protons and neutrons together in the nucleus, so having a charge would have no effect on the neutrons.

What energy holds protons and neutrons together in the nucleus?

The residual effect of the strong force, also known as the nuclear force, is the force that holds a nucleus together. It is constantly opposed by the electromagnetic force repelling the protons in the nucleus.

What is the most powerful force?

The strongest force known is called the "strong force" or "strong nuclear force".

Which of the forces has the greatest effect on the amount of energy that is released during nuclear fission reactions?

strong force

What forces has the greatest effect on the amount of energy that is released during nuclear fission reactions?

Strong force

What is the force of strong nuclear?

a nuclear force that is stronger than normal

What mechanisms are in?

gravitational force electrostatic force weak nuclear force strong nuclear force

What are the force of natures?

The four fundamental forces of nature are gravity, the electromagnetic force, the strong force (strong nuclear force or strong interaction), and the weak force(weak nuclear force or weak interaction).

What is the definition of strong nuclear force?

a nuclear force that is stronger than normal

What force exist in nature?

-- gravity -- electrostatic force -- weak nuclear force -- strong nuclear force

What are forces in mechanics?

gravitational force electrostatic force weak nuclear force strong nuclear force

What are the forces of a atom?

Gravity, Electromagnectic Force, Strong Nuclear Force and Weak Nuclear Force.