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Q: How does the type of materials affect the time taken to boil?
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Given the same amount of water how does pot size affect the amount of time it takes to boil water?

The larger the surface area the quicker it will boil (i.e. a large pan will boil quicker than a small narrow pan).

Does food colouring affect the time it takes for water to boil?

Food colouring does not affect how long it takes for water to boil. Both clear water and water with food colouring boil at the same speed with no real obvious differences in time.

How does the amount of water put into a kettle affect the time it takes to boil?

the more of an object the more the mass in witch takes more time to heat up.

Does looking at water make it take longer to boil?

No, it only makes it feel longer because you are more aware of the time being taken.

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a record card relating to a job and giving details of the time taken to do a piece of work and the materials used. This is used to allocate direct labour and materials costs.

Is quantity of substance related with boiling point?

No, the quantity doesn't affect the temperature but it may (and usually does) affect the time taken for a substance to achieve that temperature.

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the hot water traps the cold air from the ballon so this will affect the time taken for the ballon to stand up.

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yes, the time taken for orbiting is inversely proportional to the radius. therefore ,as the planet's distance from the sun increases time taken will also be increased

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yes, it does, because the more you leave it in the freezer to freeze, the more time it takes to thaw out.

How would decreasing the time it takes you to run a certain distance affect speed?

As the time taken decreases, the speed increases since speed = distance ÷ time