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underground stems

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Q: How does the water chestnut plant reproduce?
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Is a water chestnut a legume?

No, the edible part of the water chestnut is a tuber (much like a potato) that forms on roots of the water chestnut plant, a grasslike plant that grows in freshwater ponds, mostly in Asian countries. The unpeeled tuber resembles a chestnut, giving the plant its somewhat misleading name.

What is singada plant called?

Water chestnut

How does water chestnuts reproduce?

The water chestnut is reproduced by an underground stem... or also known as corm.

Which part of the water chestnut do we eat?

"The seed inside of the shell is the part of the water chestnut we eat. These seeds can be eaten fried, roasted, boiled, or even raw and are said to be high in starch." The above answer is not correct - that is a normal chestnut, NOT a water chestnut. The edible part of a water chestnut is the root of an aquatic plant also known as caltrop.

Difference between chestnut and water chestnut?

Yes there is, a horse chestnut is somethin on the inside of their legs that when they where inside their mothers stomach they where connected, then when they where born the chestnut spit apart so they could walk. And a chestnut nut is something you eat.

How do plants reproduce water?

If there is a leaf on the bottom of water, the leaf will grow into another plant.

What structure allows a plant to reproduce without a water supply?


What is Tagalog of water chestnut?

The Tagalog word for water chestnut is "singkamas."

What do you call chestnut in Tamil?

(Indian water chestnut): Singhada

Where does the plan reproduce?

where does the plant reproduce

How tapioca plant reproduce?

You dig a hole in the ground and you put a seed in it. You cover up the hole and water it and then BOOM!! there is a plant there.

How does plant reproduce?

The mustard plant drops seeds.