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Q: How does the way animal cells use their vacuoles compare to the way plant cells use theirs?
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Do animal and plant cells have vacuoles?

they both have vacuoles. plant cells have bigger vacuoles then animal cells

How are vacuoles in animal cells different from those in plant cells?

animal cells have either very small vacuoles, or no vacuoles at all, whereas plant cells have very large vacuoles.

How are the vacuoles in animal cells different from those plant cells?

animal cells have either very small vacuoles, or no vacuoles at all, whereas plant cells have very large vacuoles.

Does a animal cell have small vacuoles?

Yes. Animal cells have small vacuoles. Plant cells are the ones with a big vacuole. Animal cells also have two or three vacuoles while plant cells have one. But, plant cells, animal cells, and vacuoles are microscopic, if that's what you mean.

What cells have vacuoles?

Plant cells

What is small in animal cells but large in plant cells?

Animal cells have small vacuoles, whereas plant cells have large vacuoles.

Do animal cells have vacuoles?

animal cells do have vacuoles they are smaller than plant vacuoles

Do plant cells have several small vacuoles?

No plant cells have only one vacuoles. But in plant cells unlike animal cells they have very big (compared to their other organs) vacuoles were as animal cells have many small vacuoles.

How do the vacuoles in animal cell differ from those in plant cells?

Vacuoles in a plant cell are bigger than animal cell vacuoles. In fact, some animal cells don't even have vacuoles.

Does animal cells have vacuoles?

Yes, animal cells do contain vacuoles, smaller than those found in plant cells but greater in number. Some animal cells do not however, have any vacuoles.

What structure is large and single in a plant cell but small and numerous in an animal cell?

The vacuoles of plant cells are much larger than the vacuoles of animal cells, however most animal cells do not have vacuoles.

Why do you think ananiml cell does not have vaculoe?

They have vacuoles! Just that theirs' are much smalller. I am a eleven year old yet I know this.