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it refers to jove aka Jupiter

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Q: How does the word jovial relate to a roman god or goddess?
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How does jovial relate to mythology?

The word comes from the Roman god Jupiter. One form of his name is Jove, and the adjective is jovial = like Jupiter.

What is the Greek god or goddess for the word jovial?

You're thinking of the Roman God, Jupiter. He was sometimes called Jove. The Greek equivalent was Zeus.

What is the mythological origin for jovial?

The word jovial comes from the Roman god, Jove (Jupiter - Gk. Zeus). It was believed in ancient astrology, that those born with Jupiter in their sign were happy people, thus the modern meaning of the word jovial as "happy, good humored".

What is the mythological origin of the word jovial?

It comes from 'Jove' or Jupiter, the Roman god equivalent to Zeus.

What is a breakfast food (from the roman goddess of agriculture)?

Cereal. The word is derived from Ceres, the Roman goddess of harvest.

What Roman word starts with N?

Necessitas-Roman Goddess of destiny

What is the greek origin of the word jovial?

From Jupiter, the Roman god of the sky. 'Jovius' meaning good humoured and merry

The word cereal comes from the Roman goddess?


What are the words that relate to the word Hera?

Hera is a name not just a word and she was the goddess of marriage as well as faithfulness.

how to write a sentence with the word jovial?

Here are some sentences.He's a jovial fellow.Her jovial personality makes her lovable.

What is a sentence for the word jovial?

The boy was very jovial when he received a new toy.

Can you give me a sentence for the word jovial?

Despite the rainy weather, Sarah's jovial spirit lifted everyone's moods at the picnic.