

Best Answer

it is how you operate the microscope just adjust he course adjustment knob for focusing the fine adjustment knob

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Q: How does the working distance change when you go from low power to high power magnification?
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What is the relationship between the working distance of an objective lens and its magnification power?

the working distance decreases as the magnification increases

How does working distance on a microscope change when you go from low to high power?

It decreases.

What happens to Field of View when you change from low power to oil immersion high power?

The field of view is inversely related to the magnification power...the greater the magnification, the smaller the field of view

Does the diameter of a telescope control its magnification?

No, you can change the magnification of the telescope by simply changing the eyepiece. The two most important powers of the telescope, light-gathering power and resolving power, depend on the diameter of the telescope, but it does not control the magnification.

What is the definition of power of magnification?

the magnification power of a microscope

What is 10x and 40x magnification?

low-power magnificatin = (10x)(4x) = 40x high-power magnification = (10x)(40x) = 400x It depends on what magnification you are looking for; high-power magnification OR low-power magnification.

What is the magnification power and resolving power?

Magnification is the size of the image of an object as compared to the true size of the object.Resolving power is the ability of an imaging device to separate (i.e., to see as distinct) points of an object that are located at a small angular distance.

How many times is the magnification increased when you change from low power to high power?

it is increased 10 times

What happens to the field of view when you change from low power magnification to high power magnification?

it will stay the same!!

How do you find the total magnifying power of a microscope?

MP=(d/L)*(1-(L-l)f) where d would be the distance from the eye to the image without a lens L is the distance from the eye to the new virtual image (with a lens) l is the distance from the eye to the lens this equation only covers a single lens (whereas there tend to be two in a microscope), but that's no worry; use it twice! (i.e treat both lenses as independent sources of the image)

Why does high power magnification change the area of the slide?

It doesn't change the area of the slide. What it changes is the area in the field of view.

What is the power of the microscope?

The power of a light microscope can be determined by multiplying the magnification power of the eyepiece by the magnification power of the current lens. Ex. (10x) by (40x) results in in a 400x magnification.