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Q: How does tommo feel about the attack on the trenches at first before they actually come across the German soldiers?
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Why were military tanks invented?

Because In WW1 soldiers were running across trenches and getting constantly getting killed in mass numbers by Machine guns so engineers devices a way to keep soldiers alive, and stop the enemy and destroy their trenches.

What are continental trenches?

coninental trenches are trenches that go across countries...i think

What countries did the trenches stretch across?


Where did the World War 1 trenches stretch across?


What did going over the top ' mean in world war 1?

The phrase 'going over the top' - referred to the soldiers in the trenches climbing out and up to flat ground, and advancing towards the enemy over 'no-mans land'. Attacking the enemy's trenches~APEX

What were duckboards used for in World War 1?

Duckboards are boards nailed crosswise across bearers ( like railway sleepers in arrangement), laid across muddy soil to spread the weight of traffic. Without them, the soldiers in the trenches would just have sunk slowly into the ground - as many did who stepped off the duckboards.

Why did German air force attack?

German leaders felt it was essential to destroy the British air force to stop it sinking the ships that would carry German soldiers across the Channel... They also attacked for the money.

Why was the casualties so high in the battle of the somme?

Well there are several different reasons: 1. General Haig didn't really know what was happening down at the front line so he made foolish decisons like walking straight across no mans land. 2. The conditions of the trenches were really bad. They were muddy, dirty, smelly and most of all filled with disease. 3. General Haig didn't value the soldiers lives and said that he expected most of them to die anyway. 4. On the first day of the battle, the conditions were very bad, as it rained and became muddier and muddier. 5. The German's could see everything the British were doing so suprise attacks did not work. Hope this helps you <3

What did they do when they got to the top in World War 1?

Once to the top of the trenches, the troops would make their way across their own barbed wire and walk across no-man's land in an attempt to make it to the enemy trenches.

Where were most of the battles?

trenches across the French countryside and Belgium.

How were World War 1 battles typically fought?

In the early parts of WW1 battles were fought as they always had been, open area, artillary, and military formations; Trech warfare was a grace in the later months as it gave cover to soldiers and allowed for stand stills (ties) in battles. later in the war chemical warfare was incorperated, however it was quickly dispatched with as it violated the "rules" of war. but MOST battles were fought using trenches (thin crevaces dug by soldiers and used for cover) and usually no one moved from their trenches unless to charge directly across the "no mans land" (the area between trenches, named this because no very few made it across this stretch.) and into the enemy trench.

Why was an elaborate system of trenches built across western Europe?

Because they were fighting a war!!!