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Q: How does trapped air reduce heat transfer?
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Trapped air is a good what because it reduces heat transfer?


How does the foam reduce heat loss?

Foam contains pockets of trapped air which prevents conduction.

Why is glass a better conductor then styrofoam?

In glass the atoms are quite close together, and so can transfer heat (in the form of vibrations of atoms) from one to another. Styrofoam is mostly trapped air, and in air the atoms are far apart, so the transfer of heat is much slower. It is significant that the air is trapped, because if it could flow, that flow of air would carry heat,

Why is trapped air a good insulator?

Because air is a very low density material, there are not a lot of atoms per unit volume to engage in heat transfer type collisions, and if the air is trapped and therefore motionless, it does not carry heat away with it by moving to another location.

How dpes cavity between walls reduce the heat transfer from a house?

Dead air space acts as an insulator.

How does clothing reduce heat transfer?

the insulation is most often due to the air space between the skin and the cloth. different textiles are able to maximize this insulation by trapping more air for longer. wet suits use the same principle with water. the body heats the particles that are trapped between the skin and the cloth just like animals do with there fur. the thicker and denser the cloth the less the heat will transfer

Body heat tranferred to the air by what?

The body transfer heat to air by a heat transfer method called radiation.

How garments can be designed to reduce the transfer of heat by convection?

clothes can be made to reduce convection by making the air tighter so convection currents can't occur or if a material is shiny heat and light will reflect off it instead of absorbing it

How does plastic foam reduc heat loss?

Plastic foam consists of bubbles containing air or gas. Those bubbles are poor conductors of heat, and reduce the transfer of heat from warmer to cooler areas.

How does heat escape an empty warm house with loft and cavity wall insulation and new double glazing using energy transfer and how does the insulation reduce the rate of the heat loss?

Heat will always migrate through anything. The rate is the only thing we can control. Dead air space (motionless air) is the best natural insulator. Fiberglass insulation is used to try to trap as much air and hold it as motionless as possible. This is why you should never compress insulation; you're pushing out the trapped air.

Why does styrofoam slow down heat transfer?

Styrofoam is a type of plastic that has had a lot of air incorporated into it. This material has a lot of air spaces with trapped air throughout its volume. We have been taught that air that cannot move, like air trapped in insulating strands of, say, fiberglass, will act as an insulator. The dead air cannot move and transfer thermal energy via the mechanism of covection. Styrofoam has almost countless dead air spaces within it, and it is a pretty good insulator.

Why is cotton-wool a good insulator?

It has lots of air trapped between its fibres. Air itself is a good insulator, so trapped air is going to prevent heat transfer. Cotton is a very good insulator as long as it stays dry. There are thousands of tiny air spaces between the fibers that slow the transmission of heat or cold. That is why jackets or even T-shirts feel like good protection from the cold when outside.