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Q: How does visual information processing affect the response to muscle stretch reflexes?
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The knee jerk reflex is an example of a?

A reflex is a rapid, involuntary response to a stimulus. A reflex arc is the pathway traveled by the nerve impulses during a reflex.Most reflexes are spinal reflexes with pathways that traverse only the spinal cord. During a spinal reflex, information may be transmitted to the brain, but it is the spinal cord, and not the brain, that is responsible for the integration of sensory information and a response transmitted to motor neurons.Information is sent to the brain but that takes awhile longer. It is best if you remove your hand from the fire as fast as possible and not wait until the brain yells "hot, hot!".

What reflexes do jaguars have?

They have the ability to stretch their legs over their heads! Ain't That Cool!

What are some examples of stretch reflexes during hypoactive?

Coma, neurosyphilis, chronic diabetes mellitus

Is the knee jerk reflex an extensor thrust reflex?

No, those are two different reflexes.

Is shivering a reflex action?

Shivers are reflexes, which are things your body does automatically to keep you safe and healthy. Reflexes are controlled by your nervous system, which is made up of your brain, your spinal cord, and lots and lots of little nerves that stretch out all over your body. Nerves are like little strings or wires that carry information.

What reflexes classified as somatic reflexes?

There are 5 somatic reflexes, stretch (spinal), crossed extensor (spinal), superficial cord (spinal), corneal (cranial), and gag (cranial).Involuntary automatic responses to sensory stimulation, for example, the knee-jerk reaction when tapped.Note: Reflexes, such as the contraction / dilation of the pupil, salivation when hungry are all controlled by autonomic reflexes.

How are stretch reflexes used to find a spinal cord injury?

Stretch reflexes are used to determine which areas of the body that the central nervous system does not respond to. For instance, if you tap your knee to check reflex, and the leg doesn't move, then you will know that the peripheral nerves that lead to the knee are non-responsive or that the brain isn't receiving a signal from that area.

What detects a muscle is under stretch and therefore initiates the inverse stretch flex?

the muscle spindle detects excessive stretch within the muscle , it response and makes the muscle contract

Can a stretch reflex be elicited in a pithed animal?

In biology class we used to pith frogs before we dissect 'em. Using a pin, we puncture a hole through their skull. Then we move the pin about to destroy the brain. I think this is supposed to make dissection less painful for the frogs. They won't feel the pain from a cutting blade if they're brain dead...i suppose. You can still test the stretch reflex even if their brain is destroyed since reflexes only need 3 components that are still intact in a pithed frog -- 1. sensory afferent fiber 2. control center (spinal cord) 3. motor efferent fiber

Where can one find information on surgery for stretch marks?

You can find information for surgery to get rid of stretch marks online at websites such as WebMD and MayoClinic. You can also find other ways to remove stretch marks, rather than surgery, at these websites as well.

Where can I find more information on stretch mark creme?

To find more information on stretch mark cream, you could contact a dermatologist or your obstetrician. You could also check out product websites for such products as Palmer's Cocoa Butter, which has been proven to reduce stretch marks.

Where can one find information about Stretch IRA do?

IRA stands for Individual Retirement Account. A stretch IRA allows for the distribution of assets. Using this "technique" means the IRA can be passed from generation to generation. Further information on Stretch IRA's can be found at most wealth management sources.