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Tremendously. -And it matters what exactly you mean by 'glue'.

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Q: How does weathering affect the strength or adherence of glue?
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How can temperature affect the strength or adherence of Elmer's glue?

Temperature affects the strength or adherence of Elmer's glue by causing it to either fail to bond at very low or high temperatures. If the temperature is very low the glue will become brittle and crack. If the temperature is very high the glue won't work because more liquid is being moved around by the molecules.

How can temperature affect the strength or adherence of glue?

If heat is exposed to glue than it will melt instead of harden i guessANS 2 -If heat is given to some adhesives, epoxies in particular, they will set faster and become stronger.-It's very important to remember the term 'glue' refers to at least a hundred different formulas. -Simply calling it 'glue' IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH ! - It's all different.

What is the affect of drying time on glue strength?

Usually a longer drying time give more strength. Definitely in the case of epoxy.

Does temperature affect the strength of glue?

Yes , heat makes epoxies set quicker and harder.

How does heat affect the strength of glue?

the heat makes the strength in glue to become very weak , it will most likely liquefy on the object you are using.ANS 2 - Heat up to about 200 degrees F will enhance the binding ability and strength of epoxy. Other glues may differ.

Does temp affect glue strength on glue?

Yes, temperature affects strength and curing time of many glues. Most eoxies will set harder and become stronger with application of heat. Silicones will set faster under cold water.

Do electromagnets affect glue?

Electromagnets do not affect glue.

How does temperature affect glue strength?

Temperature affects glue strength in different ways. In the case of epoxy it will always get harder if warmed before mixing and then heated once it's set. Other glue types like silicones react best if cold water is run over them while setting.

What does glue affect on your body?

Glue does not affect anything on your body.

Does temperature affect the strength and stickiness of glue?

Yes, it does. If epoxy in particular is heated while mixing and applying, the joint it creates is much stronger.

Where does glue get its strength?

From the materials its made of.

What is the opposite of lubricant?

Glue is the functional opposite of 'lubricant'. A lubricant reduces friction between two surfaces while a glue increases the adherence between two substances.